Rotary Challenger Park
The Rotary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park and many of its members have made significant contributions to Challenger Park since it’s inception, both in time and money. Our commitment is ongoing to ensure that the Mission of Calgary Rotary Challenger Park “To promote, through education and awareness, an inclusive partnership with the community, to people of all ages and abilities” is achieved!
Calgary Rotary Challenger Park is a recreation, sport and wellness facility that will be a model of inclusiveness for the community. The idea was conceived in 1997 and began development in 1999 with the support of the Rotary Clubs of Calgary and Airdrie. It was felt that people with disabilities require a level playing field that incorporates breaking down barriers in all areas. The Park is a facility designed to ensure that ALL individuals, including those with disabilities, will have access to ALL of the amenities and services that are afforded to others in the community. The Park is intended to be a place, “Where Everyone Can Play”.
Rotary Challenger Park Development Society was incorporated as a society pursuant to The Societies Act (Alberta) in 1999. The Societies founding partners are recognized to be: Rotary Clubs of Calgary and Airdrie, Calgary Airport Authority and Parks Foundation Calgary. The Society was formed to assess the need, design, raise funds and build the facilities, in collaboration with the City. The Society became a registered charity in 2005 and changed its’ name to Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Society.
The Rotary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park and many individual members are supporters of Calgary Rotary Challenger Park.
Visit the Challenger Park Web Site: