The Rotary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park supports numerous Local and International charities. Charitable organizations can apply for donations through the Rotary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park's Community Grants Committees as well as the Mario Stella Endowment Fund Committee and the Rotary Kids at Heart Committee. If your project will be in the future then we are still accepting applications.
Community Grants

The Rotary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park is now accepting applications for Community Service Grants for Rotary Year 2024-25. Applications must be submitted in the form below and received no later than October 25, 2024, to be considered.


Applicants must have a registered charitable number. 

Regardless of order of magnitude, all applications will be reviewed and awarded based on the greatest community need, impact, and sustainability.  Capital projects are preferred.

Download a Community Grant application form here: .WORD or .PDF formats


Mario Stella Grants

The proceeds from the Mario Stella Endowment Fund held at Rotary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park will be directed to transportation initiatives for persons with Special Needs. Applications that meet the criteria are open to non-profit organizations in the Calgary community.  The application should state that the criteria for eligibility are only for transportation-related initiatives benefiting persons with Special Needs.

***Deadline for applications is October 25th 2024***

Download a Mario Stella Endowment Fund Grant here: MS Word Format
Rotary Kids at Heart 
The proceeds from the Calgary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park Rotary Kids at Heart Program  will focus our successful golf tournament proceeds to help kids who need us now more than ever.  The Funds will be directed to charity organizations delivering programs  and services that focus on the holistic health of kids. Critical issues such as bullying or taunting on social media, experiencing  Family breakdown,  battling Mental Health issues, being forced to sell drugs or join gangs.  The list of issues that kids face today goes on and on. Critical issues that impact kids from the time they enter grade one until they graduate in grade 12, and then beyond in their late teen years. We invite organizations (applicants must have a registered charitable number) to apply for funding from the Rotary Club of Calgary at Stampede Park “Rotary Kids at Heart Program”. Deadline is December 13, 2024.
Download the Kids at Heart Application here: PDF and WORD formats